Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR):
FAR 91.119 Minimum
Safe Altitudes
…no person may operate
an aircraft below the following altitudes:
(a) Anywhere. An
altitude allowing if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue
hazard to persons or property on the surface.
(c): Over other than
congested areas. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over
sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated
closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
FAR 91.151 (a) (1):
Fuel Requirements:
No person may begin a flight in
an airplane under VFR conditions unless (considering wind and forecast
weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of
intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed – During the day, to
fly after that for at least 30 minutes.
AIM 4-1-9 f.
Self-Announce Position and/or Intentions:
1. General. Self-announce is a procedure whereby pilots broadcast their
position or intended flight activity or ground operation on the designated
CTAF. This procedure is used
primarily at airports which do not have an FSS on the airport. The
self-announce procedure should be used if a pilot is unable to communicate
with the FSS on the designated CTAF. 122.900 MHz Multicom Frequency.
There are charted
towers near Rice and Essex that extend several hundred feet above the
surface. There are also electrical power transmission lines near many
of the camps. There also may be uncharted obstructions, so be cautious
and use good
judgment when flying near the surface (FAR 91.119). Be sure to request
the current altimeter setting from Riverside Radio or ATC.
Because you will be
flying from 600 to 1,000 feet AGL, well within 3,000 feet of the surface
there is no requirement to observe the Hemispherical Rule (FAR 91.159)
governing correct VFR cruising altitudes with regard to direction of flight,
however when you are above 3,000' AGL do fly even altitudes + 500' when
westbound, and odd altitudes+500' when eastbound.
Most of the camps along the DTC Sky Trail route lie within Class G airspace,
which lies under Class E airspace with a floor of 1,200 feet AGL.
Although there is no requirement to be in communication with Air Traffic
Control (ATC) in this
airspace, it is a good idea to contact Riverside Radio and/or the
controlling agency for the current
status of the Military Operation Areas (MOA) and Military Training Routes (MTR)
and other SUA at the time of your flight.
You may generally
contact the Flight Service Station (FSS) on frequency 122.2 MHz.
Consult a current Airport/Facility Directory or Phoenix Sectional Chart for
FSS Remote Communications Outlets (RCO) co-located with the radio
navaids in the area: Twentynine Palms
(TNP), Blythe (BLH), Parker (PKE), Goffs (GFS), and Needles (EED).
FAA Special Use Airspace web site: The FAA Special Use Airspace (SUA)
v3.4 Web site provides a source to review airspace closure information.
(Release Notes)
Order JO 7400.8T)
To search for active Special Use Airspace, click the List tab at the
top-left of the table; then click the small down-arrow to the right of the
Type heading, and in the drop-down menu tick the Filters box,
then tick the SUA types whose current status you wish to display.
Similarly, you can restrict the display to SUA located in California in the
State heading. This is also explained in the
help provided by clicking the ? link located immediately to
the right of the Reset button.
Military Operation
The DTC Sky Trail
route takes you under the Turtle Military Operation Area (MOA), which at the
time of this writing, has a floor of 11,000 feet from 0600 to 1600 PST
Monday through Friday, so it is not a factor. Two other MOAs, Bristol
and Quail are nearby. The floor of Bristol MOA is 5,000 feet MSL, 0700
to 1500 PST, Monday through Friday. The floor of Quail MOA is 10,000
feet MSL, 0700 to 1700 MST, Monday through Friday. Although these MOAs
are not a factor at the altitudes you will typically be flying, it is a good idea to
contact Riverside Radio and/or the controlling agency for their current status at the time of your flight,
and during your flight if altitude permits radio communications.
Military Training
MTRs are a very real hazard to low-level aircraft operations.
There have been a number of fatal
military/civil Mid Air Collisions (MAC). Usually the military
pilot ejects safely, and the civil aircraft and its occupants are
mercilessly disintegrated. While FAR §91.113 requires all PICs to
maintain vigilance in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) so as to
see and avoid other aircraft, it is virtually impossible for the general
aviation pilot to visually spot minimal frontal silhouette of a light-gray
colored, oncoming jet fighter traveling in excess of 500 knots.
Several low-altitude, high-speed Military
Training Routes exist near or traverse the Sky Trail route, including
the following (at this time):
Near Chiriaco
Summit: VR1257 and VR289
Near Desert
Center: VR1265 and VR296
Rice: VR206 and VR296
Cadiz: VR1265 and VR289
Goffs: VR1225, VR289, and VR296
Ibis: VR1265
(There may be
other MTRs; always check a current
VFR Sectional Chart)
Information Manual advises the following regarding MTRs (abridged):
AIM 3-5-2 (b): The
routes at 1,500 feet AGL and below and generally developed to be flown under
AIM 3-5-2 (c): Generally, MTR’s
are established below 10,000 feet MSL for operations at
speeds in excess of
250 knots. [!]
AIM 3-5-2 (c)(2): VFR Military
Training Routes (VR): Operations on these routes are conducted in accordance
with VFR except flight visibility shall be 5 miles or more; and flights
shall not be conducted below a ceiling of less than 3,000 feet AGL.
AIM 3-5-2 (d): Military
training routes will be identified and charted as follows:
1. Route
(a) MTRs with no segment above 1,500 feet AGL shall be
identified by four number characters; e.g., IR1206, VR1207.
(b) MTRs that include one or more segments above 1,500 feet
AGL shall be identified by three number characters; e.g., IR206, VR207.
2. Route charting
f. Nonparticipating aircraft are not prohibited from
flying within an MTR; however, extreme vigilance
should be exercised when conducting flight through or near these
routes. Pilots should contact FSSs within 100 NM of a particular MTR to
obtain current information or route usage in their vicinity. Information
available includes times of scheduled activity, altitudes in use on each
route segment, and actual route width. Route width varies for each MTR and
can extend several miles on either side of the charted MTR centerline. Route
width information for IR and VR MTRs is also available in the FLIP AP/1B
along with additional MTR (slow routes/air refueling routes) information.
When requesting MTR information, pilots should give the FSS their position,
route of flight, and destination in order to reduce frequency congestion and
permit the FSS specialist to identify the MTR which could be a factor. ...
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